Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy 2016!

We are kicking off 2016 with one of our most anticipated events -- the KME Dance! This year, the KME PTO will be hosting the "KME Sock Hop" where KME students can bring their favorite adult and dance the night away in 1950's attire! Please join us on Saturday, January 23 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at KME where you will be greeted with yummy desserts, fun decorations and of course, music all evening.

Reservations and payment are due back to KME by Wednesday, January 13. Your child should have received an invitation at school but here is a link to the form -- KME Sock Hop Invitation.

Also, we need many volunteers to help make this event a success! To see how you can help, please click on the following link: KME Sock Hop Volunteers.

Looking forward to seeing all of the poodle skirts, jeans, and leather jackets dancing around the gym!!

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Jen Adams at