Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome Back!!

Today is the first day of school!! It is a fun and exciting day and you will have plenty of information to review once your child comes home. In the meantime, here are a few highlights from our PTO calendar:


The Kindergarten and First Grade Orientation is tonight, August 20, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The Orientation for Second Grade will take place on Thursday, August 22, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Finally, the Third and Fourth Grade Orientation will be on Tuesday, August 27, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for parents to meet teachers and discuss the school year!

PTO Meeting

Our first PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3rd starting at 6:30 pm. Please join us to learn more about the PTO and how we enhance students' experiences at KME. We will be offering Papa John's pizza and drinks....

There will also be a guest speaker from Papa Johns presenting us with a check from last year's "Papa John's pizza nights" and they will be introducing this year's fundraising program  to us. Keep in mind that our first Papa John's pizza night is Tuesday, August 27!

PTO Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunities exist NOW for assisting with PTO!! If you would like to volunteer in the cafeteria, please contact Jessica Roman at jroman_jr@hotmail.com. If you would like to be a room parent for your child's classroom, please contact Jen Christman at jchristman81@msn.com.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

KME Ice Cream Social!!

The KME Ice Cream Social is this Friday, August 16 from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm!

Please join us in the KME cafeteria as we celebrate back-to-school with ice cream, friends and an opportunity to meet your teacher.

We all scream for ice cream!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fee Pay Day -- Wednesday, August 14 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm!!

Only one more week until classes start!

Just a quick reminder that KME will be having their annual Fee Pay Day this Wednesday, August 14 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to join the PTO! Look for the PTO table during this time to learn more about our organization, to sign up and to see how you can help volunteer at your child's school through the KME PTO!!

Also, we will be collecting new school supplies for Kings Kloset. Please bring any new school supplies with you to Fee Pay Day and look for the donation box. Thank you!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

SCHOOL'S STARTING -- Only 16 Days Away!!

Here are some important reminders for you from the PTO!!

Hope that everyone had a wonderful summer! Can you believe that we only have 16 days left until the 2013-14 school year begins? Continue reading to learn more about the "beginning of school" happenings at KME!

Calendar of Events

Feel free to click on the "Calendar of Events" tab to see a full outline of all of the events at KME for the beginning of the year. Below are just a few key dates for you to keep in mind:
Special Events:
Wednesday 8/14  Fee Pay Day  3:00 pm to 5:00 pm -- this will be an opportunity to pay fees, complete needed paperwork, pick up your pre-ordered SchoolKids school supplies and at 5:10 pm, have a chance to see your child's class list!
Friday 8/16  PTO Ice Cream Social  2:30 pm to 3:30 pm -- a fun chance to meet your teachers and to see old and new friends!
First Days:
Tuesday 8/20 -- First Day of School for Grades 2-4
Thursday 8/22 -- First Day of School for Grade 1
Friday 8/23 -- First Day of School for Kindergarten
Tuesday 8/20 -- Orientation for Kindergarten and First Grade at 6:30 pm
Thursday 8/22 -- Orientation for Second Grade at 6:30 pm
Tuesday 8/27 -- Orientation for Third and Fourth Grade at 6:30 pm
For more information, check out KME's website -- KME Home Page

School Supplies

Attached is a list of all of the school supplies that your child will need for the 2013-14 school year. As a reminder, you will be able to pick up your pre-ordered SchoolKids supplies at Fee Pay Day if you used this service.

Volunteers Needed

We would really love to have your help on this important projects:
Fee Pay Day -- We are looking for 10 volunteers to help organize and "man" stations during Fee Pay Day. The date is Wednesday, 8/14 from 2:45 pm to 5:00 pm. If interested, please contact Nyioka Phalen at nyioka@gmail.com.
We also have some opportunities within PTO -- we are looking for a Volunteer Coordinator (recruits room parents and volunteers at the beginning of the school year and for various events during the school year) and a Copy Coordinator (to copy and distribute PTO handouts for Friday folders as needed). Please click on the Signup Genius link for all volunteer opportunities.

PTO Membership

A great way to stay active in your child's activities at KME is to join the PTO! Please visit the "Documents" tab for more information and mark Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30 pm on your calendar -- it is our PTO kick-off meeting! We look forward to seeing you there!