Thursday, January 30, 2014

KME PTO Blog Blast 1/31/14

Happy Friday! Read below to get updated on all of our PTO activities and events!! As a reminder, be sure to "like" our Facebook page -- just search for "Kings Mills Elementary" on Facebook. This is just another way to stay connected to KME!!

PTO Meeting

Our next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Children are always welcome and we hope to see you there!

Movie Knight

Please make plans to attend our next Movie Knight where we will be watching "Despicable Me 2" (rated PG)! It will be held on Friday, February 7 from 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm in the KME Cafeteria. This event will be a "Valentine's" theme so feel free to wear Valentine's colors...

The cost is $5 per student and includes a slice of pizza, drink and popcorn. For an additional $10, up to 4 family members can also receive the same concessions. There will be additional concessions for sale at the event. As a reminder, each child will need to have an adult chaperon in attendance and will also need to send the completed reservation form and payment back to KME by Wednesday, February 5. These forms have been sent home and can also be found on the blog under "Events/Fundraisers".


It is Extravaganza time!!! Please mark your calendars to attend this fun-filled event -- it will be held on Saturday, February 22 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. There are so many ways that you can help make this our most successful event ever -- you can attend the event, donate items for the classroom raffle baskets, donate baked goods for the cake walk and/or serve as a volunteer in one of our many, many stations.

We have created a separate page on the blog -- "Extravaganza 2014" -- and this heading is located on the top/middle of the home page. Click on "Extravaganza 2014" to find out all of details of the Extravaganza! Also, you can click on this link if you are interested in volunteering for the event -- Extravaganza Volunteers.

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, February 4 -- PTO Meeting -- 6:30 pm
  • Friday, February 7 -- KME Movie Knight -- 6:15 pm
  • Saturday, February 22 -- EXTRAVAGANZA!!  11:00 am to 3:00 pm