Another year is complete!! We truly hope that you have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you next fall!!
In the meantime, we just have a few quick reminders from our PTO....
A Note From Our PTO President
Dear KME Families,
The end of the school year is upon us, as well as, the end of my two-year term as PTO
president. I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of the wonderful
volunteers here at KME. I am so honored to be involved in such a caring, devoted
community. With your help, we were able to provide our children and teachers with lots
of fun and educational programs throughout the year, along with many memories. Thank
you for your time, talents and love for KME.
A huge thank you goes out to my executive board, Sara Ritter, Alicia Brockwell, Erin
Deutsch, Angie Purcell-Hood, Jenny Circello and Kathy Smith for their support and
involvement in making the last two years such a success.
I would also like to thank our Principal, Peggy Phillips and the amazing staff at KME for
their continuous support in everything we do.
Lastly, I would like to introduce our incoming 2014-2015 PTO Board Members;
President: Sara Ritter, Treasurer: Sally Skerl, VP Programs: Jessica Scott, VP Projects:
Jen Macy, Recording Secretary: Jenny Circello, Corresponding Secretary: Kathy Smith
and Parliamentarian: Shauna Smith. Congratulations to this fantastic new executive
KME is truly the place to be!
Nyioka Phalen
2012-2014 KME-PTO President
Pennies for Playground
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of our children, we were able to raise $1310.15 for our playground equipment!! This will go a long way to not only purchase new balls, jump ropes and other items for our playground but it will also help to fund the purchase of our new playground set!
Our winning class -- 2nd Grade -- enjoyed an extra recess and popsicles today!
The new playground set will be installed during the summer so be sure to check it out during our ice cream social!
KME Mileage Club Celebration
As a thank-you to all of our Mileage Club participants for completing over 2,000 miles, the Evolution Fitness Warehouse is hosting a celebration! On Friday, May 30 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, feel free to stop by the Evolution Fitness Warehouse (2091 B West US 22 & 3) to participate in games, exercise and dance fitness demonstrations for kids, dancing, face painting, raffles and many other fun things.
Box Tops
Just a reminder to collect all of your Box Tops this summer in preparation for our collection competition this fall!!