Thursday, December 5, 2013

KME PTO Extra Blast!!

Hi Everyone!! Here are some urgent reminders from PTO regarding our activities next week:

2013 KME Holiday Kids Shop

It's right around the corner! The children are getting really excited to purchase their gifts for the holidays. We are in NEED of volunteers to assist the week of Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13 to help ensure that this event is a success. Please click on the following link to volunteer -- Holiday Kids Shop Volunteer

Also, remember to complete the shopping budget sheet and send this in with your child (along with money) on the day that they shop. The shopping schedule is on the blog under "Events/Fundraisers".

2013 KME Vendor/Craft Fair

Is a week from today!! We are still looking for vendors and crafters interested in participating. Please contact Angie Purcell-Hood at for more information.

Macy's Make-A-Wish Campaign -- A Fun Way to Help!

Sage Burress, a 4th grade student at J.F. Burns and an Ambassador for the Macy’s Make-A-Wish Campaign, is challenging all children to reach the goal of a $1,000,000.00 by December 6th.

Here’s how you can help. Bring to school a postage stamped letter addressed to “Santa At The North Pole” by this Friday, December 6. For each letter received Macy’s will donate $1.00 to the Make-A- Wish Foundation.