Here are your weekly reminders from the KME PTO!!
Movie Knight
Our first Movie Knight of the year is this Friday!
Please be sure to turn in your completed registration form for this event by Wednesday, October 23. You can find the registration form along with more details about the event on our blog under "Events/Fundraisers".
Papa John's Pizza Night
Is tonight!!! Feel free to contact Papa John's in Maineville for some yummy pizza tonight and KME will earn funds for our programs!!
Box Tops
The deadline to turn in Box Tops is Monday, October 28. Check out the bulletin board along the main hallway to see what class is in the lead for winning the mini-carnival!!
National Principal's Month
The month of October marks the National Principal's Month. Mrs. Phillips is an outstanding principal who works so hard to make KME the Place to Be! So, please let her know what a wonderful job she is doing this month (and every month!)
Fall Parties
Our annual fall classroom parties will be held on Friday, October 25 from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm. An advanced thank you to all of our volunteers who are going to make these parties fun for the children!
Please keep in mind that many of our children at KME have food allergies so please work with the teacher to ensure that any treats are safe and healthy for all.
Veteran's Day Parade
As our way to honor all veterans, the PTO sponsors a Veteran's Day Breakfast and Parade. This event will take place on
Monday, November 11 at 8:30 am. We welcome all veterans and current service people to join us for this special ceremony. Registration forms will be coming home with your students so please complete this and return it so that we can acknowledge these special people.
Important Dates
- Book Fair -- Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25
- Papa John's Pizza Night -- Tuesday, October 22
- Fall Parties -- Friday, October 25 from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
- Movie Knight -- Friday, October 25 starting at 6:15 pm
- Box Tops Due -- Monday, October 28
- Veteran's Day Parade -- Monday, November 11