Happy Friday! Thanks to all of you who attended our first PTO meeting of the year -- it was very informative! As a reminder, our next meeting is Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center.
Here are a few key reminders:
Room Parents
The following classrooms are still in need of room parents for this year -- Chambers, Weed, Shepherd, Kaczmarowski, Duvelius and Schriever. If you are interested, please contact Jen Christman at jchristman81@msn.com.
After School Programs
Please take the time to review all of the opportunities the children have in our After School Programs. Information can be located in the "Program" tab of the blog. For parents interested in the I-Flip tumbling class, there is an updated registration form located in this tab.
Box Tops and Kroger Plus Cards
Truly easy (and free!) ways that you can help KME PTO raise funds are to collect Box Tops and to ensure that your Kroger Plus card is registered online and linked to KME PTO. Just log on to KrogerCommunityRewards.com and follow the instructions.
Please keep in mind that you need to re-register your card every year so please make sure that your card is currently registered. With only 54 families participating last year, Kroger provided us with a donation of $3,350. Let's increase this for this year!!
Save the Date!!