Tuesday, November 26, 2013

KME Blog Blast 11/26/13

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We wanted to provide you with an update of our PTO events this week at KME!!

Papa John's Pizza Night -- Tonight!!

Perfect time to order pizza from Papa John's in Maineville! Not only will dinner be prepared for you, it will mean a little less cooking for this busy week! Any orders placed at Papa Johns TONIGHT will earn money for our school.

2013 Holiday Kids Shop

The Holiday Kids Shop is quickly approaching! We are in need of adult volunteers who can help our children shop for their loved ones. Please sign up to volunteer using this link -- Holiday Kids Shop Volunteer. The Holiday Kids Shop will be from Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13. Contact Kim Tudor at kimt@sliceplus.com for more information.

2013 KME Vendor/Craft Fair

On Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the KME PTO will be sponsoring our annual Vendor and Craft Fair. If you are interested in participating in the fair, please contact Angie Purcell-Hood at angieloves31@gmail.com. This is a fun opportunity to purchase gifts for others (and yourself too!)

KME Movie Knight

Our next Movie Knight is just around the corner! We will be screening "Rise of the Guardians" (rated PG) in the KME Cafeteria beginning at 6:15 pm on Friday, December 6. Since this is in the evening, adult chaperons are required for each child. Feel free to wear warm, appropriate pajamas to this event!

Reservations are required to attend Movie Knight. The cost is $5 per student and this includes the movie, a slice of pizza, a drink and a bag of popcorn. For an additional $10, up to 4 more family members can attend with these same benefits. There will also be a Bake Sale and "movie treats" available for purchase. Please turn in your reservation form and money to your teacher by Wednesday, December 4.

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who contributed homemade bread to the PTO for our wonderful teachers, staff, after-school caregivers and bus drivers -- the treats were much appreciated!! Thanks also to Heidi Pasqualetti and the Teacher Appreciation Committee for organizing this event!

Kroger Rewards

A reminder to everyone that Kroger has a program for the community that can earn money for our PTO. You can help support us by simply doing your regular shopping at Kroger and using your Kroger Plus card. First, you will need to activate your Kroger Plus card by going to this link -- Kroger Rewards -- , sign in, and select KME PTO as your designated charity. It's that easy! If you have any questions, please contact 1.866.221.4141.

Important Dates

  • Papa John's Pizza Night -- TONIGHT!!
  • PTO Meeting -- Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30 pm
  • KME Movie Knight -- Friday, December 6 at 6:15 pm
  • KME Holiday Kids Shop -- Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13
  • KME Vendor/Craft Fair -- Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Parents are responsible for their children at all PTO activities

Monday, November 18, 2013

KME PTO Blog Blast 11/18/13

Here's a reminder of the PTO events that are going on at KME!!

Staff Appreciation -- Baking Bread

A great way to recognize all of the hard work and dedication that our teachers, staff, after-school caregivers and bus drivers give to our school is to provide them with homemade bread for Thanksgiving! Our PTO is asking for donations of freshly-baked bread on Monday, November 25 so that we can distribute the goodies to all. Please click on this link for more information and to sign up!! Staff Appreciation Homemade Bread Sign-Up

2013 Holiday Kids Shop

We are busy organizing the next PTO-sponsored event -- the Holiday Kids Shop!! From Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13, our students will have the opportunity to shop and purchase holiday gifts for family, friends and pets. It gives the students a chance to "surprise" people with their selections!!

Look for more information shortly, but we do need adult volunteers to help make this event possible. If you are interested in volunteering, please click on this link  Holiday Kid Shop Volunteer or contact Kim Tudor at kimt@sliceplus.com. Thanks!

2013 KME Vendor/Craft Fair

On Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the KME PTO will be sponsoring our annual Vendor and Craft Fair. What a great opportunity to purchase gifts for the holidays!! Currently, we are looking for crafters and vendors who are interested in participating in the fair. If you are interested, please contact Angie Purcell-Hood at angieloves31@gmail.com. There will be registration forms and flyers posted on the blog under the "Events/Fundraisers" tab.

KME Newspaper

The students in Mrs. Weed's 4th grade class have been working really hard to create a weekly newspaper outlining events going on at KME. The paper is sold weekly on Thursdays for 25 cents and all proceeds are being donated to the KME PTO. Thank you so much for your generosity!!

Important Dates

  • Staff Appreciation Bread Due -- Monday, November 25 at 9:00 am
  • Papa John's Pizza Night -- Tuesday, November 26
  • PTO Meeting -- Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30 pm
  • KME Movie Knight -- Friday, December 6 at 6:15 pm
  • KME Holiday Kid Shop -- Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13
  • KME Vendor/Craft Fair -- Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

KME PTO Blog Blast 11/12/13

What's new with our PTO?


Just a reminder that our next PTO meeting is TONIGHT at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. As always, children are welcome. We hope to see you there!!

Veteran's Day Celebration

What an amazing event!! We had so many veterans and service people attend our celebration that it was too many to count! Everyone enjoyed the refreshments and then headed down the hallways to be honored by our students and staff. Then, everyone participated in a very moving ceremony honoring all veterans and service people all around the world. The children did a wonderful job in making cards and decorations for all to enjoy.

A big thank you to Jennifer Adams and her committee that worked tirelessly to ensure that this event was successful!

2013 Holiday Kids Shop

We are already gearing up for our next PTO-sponsored event!! The Holiday Kids Shop will take place from Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13 and our students will have the opportunity to purchase holiday gifts for family, friends and pets during this week. It gives the students a chance to "surprise" people with their selections!!

More information will be posted shortly on the blog but, like all of our events, we need adult volunteers to help make this event possible. If you are interested in volunteering, please click on this link Holiday Kid Shop Volunteer or contact Kim Tudor at kimt@sliceplus.com. Thanks!!

Staff Appreciation -- Baking Bread

A great way to recognize all of the hard work and dedication that our teachers, administrators, staff and bus drivers give to our school is to provide them with homemade bread for Thanksgiving! Our PTO is asking for donations of freshly-baked bread on Monday, November 25 so that we can distribute the goodies to all. Please click on this link for more information and to sign up!!  Staff Appreciation Homemade Bread Sign-Up

2013 KME Vendor/Craft Fair

On Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the KME PTO will be sponsoring our annual Vendor and Craft Fair. What a great opportunity to purchase gifts for the holidays!! Currently, we are looking for crafters and/or vendors who are interested in participating in the fair. If you are interested, please contact Angie Purcell-Hood at angieloves31@gmail.com. There will be registration forms and flyers posted shortly to the blog under the "Events/Fundraisers" tab.

Important Dates

  • PTO Meeting -- Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm
  • Staff Appreciation Bread Due -- Monday, November 25
  • Papa John's Pizza Night -- Tuesday, November 26
  • PTO Meeting -- Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30 pm
  • KME Holiday Kid Shop -- Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13
  • KME Vendor/Craft Fair -- Thursday, December 12 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm

Friday, November 8, 2013

KME PTO -- Extra Blast!!

A quick update before the weekend...

Upcoming PTO Meeting

Our next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. We hope to see you there!

Veteran's Day Celebration

Everyone is welcome to attend our Veteran's Day Celebration on Monday, November 11! There will be refreshments beginning at 8:30 am and a parade through the school starting at 9:10 am. Then, everyone will be invited to attend a brief ceremony immediately following the parade.

Any Veteran or current Military service person are encouraged to join the festivities and to be honored in our parade! Please contact Chris Griffin at cgriffin@kingslocal.net or Jennifer Adams at mamajen00@yahoo.com.

We are looking for a few volunteers to assist with the set-up and clean-up of the refreshments. Please click on this link to sign up -- Veteran's Day Sign-Up Genius.

Candy for the Troops

Does your Halloween candy need a new home? Consider donating it to JF Burns -- through Monday, November 11, JF Burns is collecting candy to send to the troops as part of their annual drive. It's a great way to show support to our troops!

A Big Thanks!

Thank you to Jen Macy and the Movie Knight committee for sponsoring our first movie event this year! We truly appreciate all of the work that you and the parent volunteers did to make this event a success -- looking forward to the next one!

Monday, November 4, 2013

KME PTO Blog Blast 11/4/13

Here's a KME PTO update for you!

Upcoming PTO Meeting

Due to Election Day, our next PTO Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. We hope to see you there!

No School on November 5

As a reminder, there will be no school for KME students on Tuesday, November 5 due to Election Day. If you are looking for a fun activity for your children, Jump Stop Safari in Lebanon is sponsoring a "Jump and Play Party" from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Our PTO will earn $1 for each student that attends! For more information, including costs, please contact Jump Stop Safari at 513.228.0333.

Kings Local School District neither endorses or sponsors the organization or activity represented above. The communication of this information is provided as a community service.

Food Allergy Meeting

Any parents with children that have food allergies -- there will be a meeting on November 6 at 6:30 pm at Kings Mills Elementary that will focus on how the school and parents can partner to best protect children with food allergies. If you have any questions, please contact Kim at kcoyan5@aol.com.

Veteran's Day Celebration!

KME will be honoring our Veterans and current Military service people on Monday, November 11. There will be refreshments beginning at 8:30 am and a parade through the school starting at 9:10 am. Then, everyone will be invited to attend a brief ceremony immediately following the parade.

Please invite your Veteran or current Military service person to join us for this special day. Please contact Chris Griffin at Cgriffin@kingslocal.net or Jennifer Adams at mamajen00@yahoo.com for more information.

Mileage Club

Thanks to everyone who participated in making our fall session of Mileage Club a success! And a special thanks to Kim Renzenbrink for organizing this healthy event for KME!

Important Dates

  • No School (Election Day) -- Tuesday, November 5
  • Food Allergy Meeting -- Wednesday, November 6 at 6:30 pm
  • Veteran's Day Celebration -- Monday, November 11 at 8:30 am
  • PTO Meeting -- Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm
  • Papa John's Pizza Night -- Tuesday, November 26